Legal Mentions
Website properties
This site is the property of the company "BAM CASES", whose head office is at Rue de la Vignerie - 14160 Dives-sur-Mer - Telephone: 0231246464 - Siret: 315 030 320 000 40.
The site was developed by the communication agency Le Klub (SARL KLUBGRAPHIK) and is hosted by o2switch. - SIRET: 44384686000023 - RCS Caen B 443 846 860 - APE 1813Z - Telephone: 0231940804, managed by Mr. Mercier Alexandre, head office located at 44 Boulevard Dunois, 14000 Caen. - Siret : 51090980700024 - RCS Clermont Ferrand - LLC with a capital of €100,000
Design: Simone Eiteljoerge:
Photos: BenJ Photo / Studio911